Mistakes are very common, especially in tests. Even some of the most prepared individuals naturally make mistakes. However, when it comes to your IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test, your points are valuable. By receiving a low mark, you may lose your chances of studying abroad (yikes)! To prevent this from happening, we’re giving you some IELTS preparation material by going through six of the most common IELTS mistakes and how to avoid them.
To ensure you’re prepared, we’ve gathered more IELTS preparation material including tips when taking the IELTS test.

1. Spelling Errors and Poor Vocabulary
When completing the written portion of the IELTS exam, it’s important to review your spelling. The most common IELTS mistakes include spelling, and it’s one of the easier errors to avoid by reviewing your work. If you’re unsure of the correct spelling of a word, avoid using it. Instead, think of a synonym. It’s vital to remember many words in the English language are spelled similarly but mean different things.
With spelling errors comes poor vocabulary. You can build your vocabulary by reading more and writing down the words you’re reading, if they’re unfamiliar to you, then looking them up. This will ultimately help with your spelling too! You must have a good vocabulary to succeed in English-language study programs. Without this skill, you’ll face many challenges whether it’s reading signs, speaking to others, or listening in class.

2. Time Management
As part of your IELTS preparation material, know that time management is vital. In fact, poor time management is one of the most common IELTS mistakes made by test takers. It can be tough to complete the test within a certain time span, and so, effective time management skills are critical. You don’t want to spend a lot of time answering one question and then have little time on the next.
It’s important to know exactly how much time is needed on each question. This way, you can answer each question fully to the best of your abilities. You might even consider a strategy. For example, try answering the shorter questions that involve less brainstorming first.

3. Mispronunciation
IELTS test markers are aware you are an international student. However…this is a test of English proficiency! Your accent will not cause you to lose any points. However, the way you pronounce English words will.
You must ensure you are saying each word fully and clearly. For instance, if you are pronouncing the word ‘probably,’ you shouldn’t say ‘probly,’ as that’s incorrect. The best way to tackle this challenge is to practice, practice, practice. Consider practicing with a native English speaker to really hone your skills.
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4. Blank Answers
Here’s a quick tip: don’t leave any of the questions blank. This is incredibly important. If you’re unsure of the answer, it’s better to write something instead of nothing. There’s a higher chance of you getting partial marks, even if you make a guess. Or, the answer might come to mind as you write down some thoughts. You won’t lose out on anything by simply trying. Who knows, your guess may even end up being correct!

5. Lack of Transition
Another one of the more common IELTS mistakes that test-takers make is not using enough transition words. These words are what make sentences sound smooth and help conversations flow. They introduce emphasis, a supporting idea, or even an opposing one, and tend to be individual words or short phrases, like “however,” “also,” “in fact,” or “finally.”
Transition words help the reader and listener understand your broader ideas, and bridge ideas between each sentence. As a result, transition words are very important and contribute to higher points in your IELTS exam.

6. Lack of Focus
Focus is key to IELTS success, especially when it comes to listening and speaking. You must give your undivided attention to the process when taking the exam. While this can be one of the most common IELTS mistakes made, it’s easily avoidable. Repeat sentences to yourself if you must. Make sure you understand everything being communicated to you before you respond; a short pause before answering is okay. Focus on giving the correct response. Don’t try to memorize the questions and answers when you’re preparing for the exam. Memorizing could possibly even result in fewer points, as your answers won’t sound natural. Just focus on listening and understanding what’s being communicated to you, and delivering clear information in return.
We hope this blog’s IELTS preparation material helps you feel more ready for the test, and wish you the best of luck on your IELTS test!
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