RBC International Student GIC Program Application
Through this application, you are applying as a non-resident of Canada to open a non-registered Investment Account and to purchase a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) with Royal Bank of Canada, meets the proof of financial support requirement for a study permit as established by the Government of Canada. To understand how RBC Royal Bank collects, uses and shares your personal information, please see the "Collection and Use of Personal Information" section included in the disclosure documentation. By proceeding with this application you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the personal information included in the documents you upload through this form by ApplyBoard and Royal Bank of Canada in order to verify your identity, consider your application for the RBC International Student GIC Program and as permitted or required by law.
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Please ensure your full name is as it appears on your passport.
What is the main purpose of this account?
Your Contact Information
Please note that the email address you enter below will be used to send you a verification code, and authenticate you as needed during the application process.
Residential Address
Mailing Address
Your Passport Details
Where You'll Be Studying
When do you expect to graduate from your studies in Canada?
Third Party
Will this Investment Account and GIC be used by or on behalf of a third party?
Your Tax Status
Important: We are required by law to ask you for the following tax questions: You are considered a tax resident if you are a citizen or live in a country and file income tax
Are you a resident of Canada for tax purposes?
For tax purposes, are you a resident of any country/countries outside of Canada?
In general, you may be a tax resident of a country if you pay (or should be paying) income tax in that country because of your residency or similar criteria. Note: A U.S. citizen or U.S. resident is generally considered a U.S. tax resident.
Politically Exposed Persons
Do you or your spouse/family member(s) hold any of the following positions?
  • Head of state or head of government (i.e. Prime Minister, President)
  • Member of the legislature (Member of Parliament, Congress, or Senate)
  • Minister, deputy minister, or equivalent rank
  • Ambassador, or attaché (Diplomat)
  • Military General
  • President or head of a state-owned company or a state-owned bank
  • Head of a government agency
  • Judge